Recycling News

City of Dallas imposes 5 cent fees on plastic bags

City of Dallas imposes 5 cent fees on plastic bags

NEW YORK:  The Dallas City Council approved a crucial legislation, imposing 5-cent fees on plastic bags. The Council approved with an 8-6 vote, thereby joining the long list of municipalities to put fees on grocery plastic bags.

City of Dallas imposes 5 cent fees on plastic bags
City of Dallas imposes 5 cent fees on plastic bags

The customers at retail outlets would have to pay 5 cents for paper or plastic bags if they forget to bring their own reusable bags. The retailers are allowed to keep 10% of the income generated, whereas 90% goes to the City.

The Dallas City has also banned single-use bags from all facilities and properties. The events conducted in the City are also prohibited from use of single-use plastic bags. As per the ordinance, restaurants are excluded from the ban. Also, bags for dry-cleaning, pet-waste and prescriptions are exempt from the ban.

The City plans to spend nearly $0.25 million to educate customers and retailers on the proposed rules of the new legislation. An educational awareness program will be launched soon, starting with retailers.It is after a long debate extending to almost a year and half that the Council has voted the ordinance.The ordinance is expected to cut down the city’s growing litter problem caused by lightweight plastic bags. However, the business groups have raised opposition against the bill.The partial ban proposed by Council member Dwayne Caraway goes into effect on January 1, 2015.


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