
Applications for NPE 2015 space draw now available

Applications for NPE 2015 space draw now available

The NPE2015 Space Draw will take place from February 19-21, 2014 in Orlando, the US, with close to 1,000 companies expected to select booth space amounting to well over half of the total anticipated for NPE 2015, SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association announced.

Applications for NPE 2015 space draw now available
Applications for NPE 2015 space draw now available

Applications to participate have been posted at and are also being sent to NPE2012 exhibitors. Companies must submit applications and a down payment by November 15 to be eligible for the Space Draw lottery process, which determines the selection order of companies. Companies submitting applications after November 15 will select space after the lottery participants, emphasizes SPE.

“For each NPE, Space Draw itself is a major industry event that brings together people from hundreds of companies and from countries around the world,” said Gene Sanders, SPI senior Vice President of Trade Shows and Conferences. “Each participant sees first-hand how the show takes shape and thus can select the best available booth location for his or her company. At the same time, Space Draw provides an opportunity for concentrated planning of the company’s NPE program through face-to-face meetings with contractors, vendors, and SPI staff.”

The NPE 2015 Drawing will consist of an ordered series of lotteries. Each company will be assigned to a drawing priority category according to the number of previous NPEs in which it has exhibited and whether or not it is an SPI member. Within each category, the order in which companies select their space is determined by a random drawing.

Last month SPI conducted the NPE 2015 Pre-Draw for 69 companies that had exhibited in at least 16 of the past 27 NPEs. These exhibitors committed to 16,685sqm of net exhibit space, up 18.5% from the 2012 Pre-Draw numbers.


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