
New White Paper Explores Optimization of Mature Fine Tailings Dewatering

New White Paper Explores Optimization of Mature Fine Tailings Dewatering

Greifensee, Switzerland — 05 June 2013 —METTLER TOLEDO is pleased to announce publication of a new white paper entitled “Optimizing Thickeners, Flotation and Mature Fine Tailings (MFT) Dewatering.” The white paper details common challenges engineers and scientists encounter when working to maximize solid-liquid separation and enhance throughput. It also explores how current state-of-the-art in situ particle characterization technologies can help meet these production challenges, enabling lowered processing costs and better production outcomes.

New White Paper Explores Optimization of Mature Fine Tailings Dewatering
New White Paper Explores Optimization of Mature Fine Tailings Dewatering

Flocculation is a common separation improvement technique used to enhance water recycle and control fines accumulation for mining, oil sands, pulp/paper, and biotech dewatering applications. In all cases, efficiency is proportional to incoming particle size distribution and population, as well as applied polymer type, polymer dosage and shear. Choosing the correct polymer type, polymer dosage and shear based on real-time analysis of the incoming particle stream can maximize dewatering efficiency by improving polymer dispersion and increasing initial particle aggregate size distribution.

Flocculant strength and shear intensity can result in an undesirable shift to smaller particle counts over time, however. In-process particle size and structure measurements eliminate the need for offline sampling and dilution of the particle system which can alter fragile structures and prompt unnecessary corrective action. This enhanced observational accuracy enables improved real-time control decisions so desired particle sizes and counts are achieved.

The paper goes on to review how measurement of real-time flocculation kinetics can enable creation of a population balance model. These models can then be applied using hydrodynamic modeling to help optimize operating conditions in pipes, channels or thickener feed wells to encourage processing consistency and enhance throughput/system stability.

To learn more about how in situ technology can optimize dewatering and reduce mineral, petroleum and biotech flocculation process costs, download the free white paper today at

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