End Markets Processes

BASF to set up Community Advisory Panel in Chongqing on implementation of MDI site

Worldwide chemical company BASF announced on August 8 that the company has launched a Community Advisory Panel (CAP) in

Chongqing, bringing together citizens, specialists, authorities and non-governmental organizations to consult on the implementation of its chemical production site in Changshou.

“The Chongqing Community Advisory Panel provides the neighborhoods around our site with the opportunity for direct involvement, while also allowing BASF to better address the expectations of the community. BASF is involved in more than 70 community advisory panels near our major sites all over the world,” said Dr Christian Tragut, Vice President, General Management BASF Chongqing MDI Operations.

The 16 volunteer members of the panel will have a preliminary meeting this month to get an overview of the project and confirm the charter of the CAP. BASF was supported by the Yanjia Neighborhood Committee, Changshou Economic & Technology Development Zone, and Green Volunteers League in selecting the panel members from more than 200 applications. The members were selected to represent a cross section of local citizens.

“We are very glad, as a local environmental protection NGO, to be involved in BASF’s establishment of its first CAP in Chongqing. We hope and trust BASF will make significant initiatives in building good relationship with the neighboring communities,” said Wu Dengming, Head of the Green Volunteers League in Chongqing.

BASF received approval in March 2011 for a 400,000 metric tons per year MDI (diphenylmethane diisocyanate) project in Chongqing, China, following a stringent examination of environmental, health and safety standards. This facility, which broke ground in April, will consist of an MDI plant, a nitrobenzene plant and an aniline plant, and will cover 50 hectares. It will form the center of an integrated chemical production complex operated by the Changshou Economic & Technology Development Zone.

BASF estimates that there will be around 300 permanent jobs created through the BASF facility alone when the plant is operating in full swing. At start-up, a total of 17 plants and businesses in the chemical park will immediately begin operation as key partners or suppliers.

Prior to the approval of the project, BASF carried out two public opinion surveys. A summary of this project’s Environmental Impact Assessment was published on the website of the local Environmental Protection Bureau. Additionally, BASF conducted an opinion survey at the upper reaches area of Fulin, along with dialogue meetings with the local residents and representatives from neighboring plants to present details of the project and answer questions.


Source  : www.adsalecprj.com

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