Product News

China produced a record 11 million tons of plastic pipes in 2012

China produced a record 11 million tons of plastic pipes in 2012
China produced a record 11 million tons of plastic pipes in 2012
China produced a record 11 million tons of plastic pipes in 2012

The pipes industry in China continues to prosper amidst higher costs and slowing down of property market, according to the China Plastics Processing Industry Association (CPPIA).

At the recent 7th council meeting of the 8th plastic pipes committee of CPPIA, president of the committee, Chen Lihui, announced that a record result was achieved last year with 11 million tons of plastic pipes being produced, an increase of 10% compared to 2011.

According to Mr Chen, improvements were remarkable in high quality products, thereby gaining a better share in the high end segment with improved technologies. More large corporations emerged at the expense of small companies. All in all, a healthy structural change can be seen as China’s pipes industry is moving towards optimized production scale and higher quality, he added.

Source: 67003635/Article.aspx

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