Recycling News

Connecticut Recycling initiative craves modernized techniques

Connecticut Recycling initiative craves modernized techniques
Connecticut Recycling initiative craves modernized techniques
Connecticut Recycling initiative craves modernized techniques

The Connecticut administration has joined hands with various state departments and leaders to announce the formation of Recycling Market Development Council designed to strengthen the recycling efforts of the state.

The announcement to this effect was made by the Governer of Connecticut Dannel Malloy along with state’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Commissioner Daniel Esty, Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) Commissioner Catherine Smith and other prominent state leaders.

The Governor’s Recycling Working Group, established in April, 2012 had recommended forming such a council. According to a news release issued by the departments, the goals are to “modernize the state’s solid waste system and materials management policies, and to increase the recovery of recyclables throughout the state.”

The Recycling Market Development Council will be represented by the entire recycling chain involving those engaged in the collection, hauling, sorting, processing, selling and purchasing of recyclable materials. The Council will drive modernity and innovation in materials management by supporting the recyclable materials markets, increasing the recovery of materials and connecting companies with products manufactured from recycled materials. The Connecticut Recycling Industry accounts for $ 746 million sales and is estimated to employ at least 4,800 people.

“Three decades ago, Connecticut was a leader in solid waste management by ending our reliance on landfills and moving to a waste-to-energy system,” says DEEP Commissioner Daniel Esty. “Waste-to-energy will remain a vital part of our solid waste management efforts, but the time has come to more effectively capture the value of millions of tons of materials that are now sent off for disposal. With this approach we can reduce costs for our residents, municipalities and businesses, grow our economy, create jobs, and reduce environmental risks.”


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